Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Cleaning Days 8, 9 and 10

Here are days 8, 9 and 10 of your Holiday Cleaning schedule. Please remember to email me with any cleaning questions. Happy Holidays!

Day 8: Don't forget to clean the blinds.  

Day 9: Clean and condition leather or vinyl furniture using our Leather Care. Our Wood Care puts life back into wood furniture or cabinets and removes water stains or light scratches.  

Day 10. Remove soot from glass fireplace fronts, clean the bricks and the fireplace. Do you have enough kindling to get a fire started?

This article may only be reprinted giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website at Copyright @2008 All rights reserved worldwide.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Holiday Cleaning Days Five, Six and Seven

Here are your next 3 days of cleaning. Be sure to email me if you have any specific questions. My contact information is at the top of each of my websites. Don't forget to print out my stain removal guide. It comes in handy when those unexpected spills happen.

Day 5: If you have any kitchen appliances like a blender that are infrequently used now is the time to make sure they work properly. Clean them if needed. Check you stock of food storage bowls and freezer bags as well as your supply of candles if you use them. At the same time  change your flashlight batteries, fire detectors and CO2 batteries and make sure you have soy free candles with lead free wicks close by in case the electricity goes out.

Day 6: Touch up guest rooms and freshen bedding by drying them on air dry for 10 minutes.

Day 7: Wash your holiday dinnerware and begin making extra ice if you have a large freezer.

Copyright @2008 all rights reserved World Wide. The cleaning tips from Mary Findley may only be used giving her full credit and referencing her website at

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

     The Thrid and Fourth Days of Christmas Cleaning


Here are your assignments for days three and four of the Holiday season. Dig in, put on your favorite music and don't stop until the jobs are done. Remember if you stop in the middle of a project, even to answer the phone, it takes considerable time to work back up to speed - if you even finish the chore. Keep going then have that cup of hot tea - forgo the cocoa to avoid the extra pounds this year. Speaking of pounds, make a cherry crisp with Agave syrup rather than cherry pie and you save the artery clogging fat and the calories from the pie crust. Or just do a pumpin custard with lowfat condensed milk. Warm, homemade applesauce with no more than a teaspoon of  sugar free whipping cream is another favorite. Substitute baked rice crackers for crackers or chips and give your heart a break. 

   Day 3: Deep clean the bathrooms. Use our EraseIt for Bathrooms to remove "ring around the toilet." Then treat the showers and toilets with Advantage. Advantage is my car protectant that protects with polymers. Polymers make a surface slick so water slides right off shower walls and glass shower doors. And it makes toilets slick so nothing sticks. Cleaning toilets after guests leave is so easy when nothing sticks. Advantage will lessen the damage water spots cause to showers as well.

     P.S. This is the perfect time to use Advantage on your cars. It will make the surface slick and help protect your vehicle against the harsh winter that is quickly coming. Okay you folks snow birding down South can laugh at those of us stuck up north.

Day 4: Clean the refrigerator using our CleanEz and toss anything that has not been used in the last 3 months.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Ten Days of Christmas Cleaning

     The Twelve Days of Christmas has been one of my all time favorite Christmas songs. Well I promise not to sing the Ten Days of Holiday Cleaning since my vocal cords need more polishing than my silver serving spoons. But here is a list of cleaning chores to help you get through the holidays with a bit more expediency. As always adapt this list to your own circumstance but it's a guideline.  Today I'm featuring the first two days. I'll post one each day for the next eight days so come back every day for help with your cleaning schedule. 

     Remember before you put a tree or other plants like poinsettias on a floor, put clear plastic down first then a terry cloth towel, then the plant or tree and finish with a decorative skirt. I found a piece of discarded Corian that I now place on the floor first. Clear plastic goes on top of that followed by the white terry cloth towel, tree then the tree skirt. Don't use plywood as water soaks into the wood and it can still damage the floor.  

Day 1: Polish your silver and wash any bowls or plates that must be done by hand.

Day 2: Launder table cloths and napkins. If you have lace cloths that have yellowed place them in the bathtub adding a forth cup of Borax and a cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Let them soak 30 minutes and rinse thoroughly in white distilled vinegar and water. See my website for a stain removal guide Click on Stain removal at the top.

This article may only be reprinted giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website at Copyright @2008 All rights reserved worldwide.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Safety Cautions for the Holidays from Underwriters Laboratories
Underwriters Laboratories sent me some holiday tips to safeguard your home not just during the holidays but year round.
1) "Make suree at least one smoke alarm and carbon monoxide alarm are instilled on each level of your home near sleeping areas."
2) "Turn off any electrical lights, decorations and space heaters before leaving home or going to bed."
3) "Keep flammable materials like bedding, wallpaper and curtains at least three feet from space heaters and other heat sources."
4) "Practive a fire escape plan with your loved ones. Every family member should know at least two ways to exit each room in the home."
5) "Place your tree in a sturdy stand and keep it filled with water."
6) "Inspect decorations for cracked sockets, frayed or bare wires or loose connections. These all pose fire or shock hazards."
7) "Position your tree 3 feet away from fireplaces or other heat sources and it doesn't block an exit."
8) "Connect no more than 3 miniature light strings together. Strings with large bulbs should have no more than 50 bulbs per string."
9) "Remember to 'Just Look For' the UL symbol when purchasing electrical products."
This is a suggestion from Mary Findley: Never leave your home or go to bed with the dryer running. Remove dryer lint after every load to prevent fires. Use a lambswool duster once a month to remove lint beneath the lint filter and clean out the corners of dryer doors where lint is trapped.
For more safety tips visit

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Green Energy Savings Tips
for the Holidays
The Holidays are here along with cold weather and higher heating bills. Here are seven tips to help keep you fuel bills down.
1) Spend the extra $20 to $30 to buy a thermostat that can be set for various times. Going out shopping for the day or headed to work? Set the temperature to 60 degrees until a half-hour before you return. You save 7 to 9 hours of heating bills yet your home is toasty warm when you walk in the door.
2) Next set the thermostat for no higher than 67 during the day and 63 at night. Depending on where you live, it will save you between 15 and 17% on your heating bill. 
3) Clean your light bulbs. Yes the dirtier they are the more energy they use.
4) If you have tall ceilings then a ceiling fan is a must. Turn it so the blades run clockwise during the summer and counterclockwise during the winter. Why have all that warm air hanging around your ceiling? Set it on low speed to conserve electricity.
5) When you need to replace your water heater, switch to the "on demand" water heaters. They consume far less space and only heat the water that is being used. That can be a whopping 10 to 20% fuel savings.
6) Leaving for the day? Keep shades pulled in bedrooms and windows at the back of your home to prevent heat loss. Leaving your shades closed on front windows is an open invitation for theives so open them when you leave for the day  Close them from dusk to dawn however to keep the heat inside your home.
7) People love outdoor decorations for the holiday season. Consider cutting back this year to help conserve valuable energy. Put a timer on the lights so they turn off at 10 each night. Never leave lights on all night.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Prevent Winter House Fires

Before the holiday season gets underway let's review and prevent the major ways house fires get started.

*Dryer lint: Now is the time to pull your dryer out from the wall and run a duster into the hose. Wash your lint screen and clean around the inside of the door as well. Always turn a dryer off when you leave home. More homes catch fire from this practice than by any other method. Lint catches on fire and if you are gone you will never hear the fire alarm. Do you have a fire alarm in your garage? Rarely do you find them in the garage or the attic. By the time the fire reaches an alarm inside your home it might be too late.

*Candles: There is not a holiday issue that goes by without my warning of candles. Please burn soy candles which emit very little smoke. Make sure your wicks do not contain lead as they let off poison when they burn. Keep all candles on a holder even if they are not lit.  Never move a lit candle and keep them away from any flammable materials including walls, window sills and lamps. For your safety sake avoid the candles that burn by floating in oil and avoid gel candles as they have been known to explode. Never burn a candle where a cat, dog, pet or small child can bump into them.

*Fireplaces: Have you had your chimney or wood stove vents cleaned yet?

*Extension cords:  Please check your extension cords. Look them over carefully for any frayed areas. Plug a hair dryer into the cord and let it run 5 or 6 minutes on the hottest setting. If the dryer plug is hot then replace your hair dryer. If the extension cord plug is hot replace the cord. It is usually wise to replace extension cords every 10 years or so just to keep on the safe side. Never use a cord that is kinked or frayed.

*Water heaters and furnaces – never store flammable material near these areas. Be sure young children don't drop their plastic toys, pens, markers or crayons down into the furnace grate. Furnace heat can melt and catch these items on fire.

*Never set a portable heater on top of carpeting. Always set them on a large one inch thick piece of wood.  Take extra caution if using a propane or oil heater inside the home. If an oil heater is faulty the carbon monoxide poisoning will silently kill you. Have them checked before using them for the winter.

*We all tend to over load circuits during the holidays. Always check the amount of voltage you plug into one circuit and that means checking the entire circuit. There are usual clusters of rooms on one circuit so don't be fooled into thinking that the voltage of the tree lights in the living room won't affect the floor heater voltage in the den. Never use more than one extension cord per circuit and unplug your cords at night.

Please conserve energy and turn off your outdoor lights after 11 PM. Timers are inexpensive and ideal for holiday lights.  

*NEVER leave a room without turning off and unplugging appliances like hair dryers, electric shavers, curling irons, electric blankets or heating pads and tree lights.

This article may only be reprinted giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website at Copyright @2008 All rights reserved worldwide.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Anti-bacterial Soaps and Cleaners
Stop before you leap onto the antibacterial soap band wagon. First of all, most germs only live an hour or so on most surfaces. Definitely wash your hands after using the restroom or wash frequently if someone in your home is ill. Just don't use antibacterial soaps. Why? Because the chemicals used to kill the germs are more toxic to your body than the germs. Many of them have been linked to cancer.
Remember a dime size patch of skin contains millions of cells. Those cells absorb everything you put on your body where it hitches a ride throughout your body courtesy of your blood cells. Thus antibacterial soaps likewise absorb into your body through those cells. Once inside they continue to do their job of killing bacteria both good and bad. Our bodies need the balance of good and bad bacteria to stay healthy. Killing them throws your body off balance and could lead to serious illness.
The same holds true for using antibacterial cleaners on surfaces. If a surface has come into contact with raw food like egg, meat, or milk then it should be disinfected. Disinfect it first with 3% hydrogen peroxide then a 50/50 solution of water to vinegar. This combo is far more effective than bleach and it certainly won't destroy your health like chlorine. Other than that disinfecting a surface on a regular basis actually introduces more harmful toxins into your home than the germs. Stop to think a minute - how did the germs get onto your floor? Probably from you walking on them - right? Do you disinfect your feet? No? Then why do you need disinfectants on your floors?
This article may only be reprinted giving credit to Mary Findley and her website at Copyright @2008 worldwide.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Remove Soda Can Mars
Soda cans that bump into the walls or doors of a refrigerator leave ugly grey mars. Remove them by using a dab of toothpaste or by making a paste of *organic liquid dish soap and baking soda. Scrub gently and rinse with warm water. Next clean the entire shelf and dry thoroughly. Cut a strip of clear, self-adhesive plastic shelf  paper wide enough to cover the bottom of the shelf and put it on the shelf. Then cut another strip 2 inches wide and the length of the door or wall of your refrigerator depending on where you store the cans. Press it into place at the same height as the can to prevent wall mars. 
*Regular dish soap works just fine.  I cannot encourage you enough to toss your toxic chemicals and switch to soaps that are approved by the EPA or carry the Green Seal of Approval. They are safer for our environment and your health. 
This article may only be reprinted by giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website at Rights reserved worldwide. copyright @2008.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Ten Steps to Take Now to Winterize Your Home 
Now is the time to prepare for the cold months ahead. Here is a short "to do" reminder list.
 1.  Clean your fireplace. Soot-filled chimneys are a fire that will happen. A professional cleaning is recommended.
 2.  Wash and wax your vehicles especailly if you live in snowy areas.
 3. Clean and winterize lawn mowers, chain saws or any other equipment that uses gasoline. Never store gas near heat.
 4.  Wash all bedding including blankets. Vacuum mattresses and spray for dust mites if you live in humid areas. See the prior post on how to use geranium oil as a natural bug deterent.
 5. Remove drapes with the help of your partner or a friend and take them outside and shake the dust out of them.
 6. Clean your dryer vents and hoses. Have your air ducts professionally cleaned as well. 
 7. Kill any mold yet growing on sidewalks and driveways. These areas get extra slick with frost and snow.
 8.  Stock up on healthy snacks, candles and emergency supplies in case of an electrical outage from a snow or ice storm.
 9. Trim any dead branches from trees and sweep your roof especially if you have a fireplace and
10. Go out for a final hike in the woods to enjoy the autumn colors.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

"Declutter your home." "Get rid of anything you aren't using." Every article you read on cleaning your homes shouts "Declutter." Why? Clutter is another main element that elevates the toxicity of your home. Clutter encourages moisture, upon which mold, mildew, and dust mites grow. What an ideal time right now to declutter your home, before the hectic holiday season starts. After you declutter your home, spray your carpeting and upholstered furniture with 1/3 cup distilled white vinegar in a quart of distilled water. Vinegar helps kill mold and mildew and has been known to discourage dust mites. Add 2 to 3 drops of  geranium essential oil to the mixture. Geranium oil kills fleas and bugs like dust mites. Make sure your essential oils are organic and processed by a reputable company. Inexpensive oils may contain petroleum distillates or other toxic additives.
This article may only be reprinted by giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website at Rights reserved worldwide. copyright @2008.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Tackle the Bathroom
Next up on my Go Green list of rooms to tackle is the bathroom. Flip over your bottle of hair shampoo, rinse, soap, toothpaste, lotions and anything else you have tucked in the cabinet that cleans or conditions. Did you read "sodium laurel sulfate" on most of the bottles? SLS, for short, turns into dioxide after leaching out the chemicals used to make plastic bottles. Dioxide is now classified as one of the most toxic products known to man. You should recognize its more well known name "Agent Orange." Yes you are shampooing your hair, washing your body, brushing your teeth and lathering on lotions with Agent Orange.
Next out the door is your deordorant, most of which contain aluminum. Women, you apply aluminum right on top of your breasts and it does soak through your skin. Aluminum is a known carcinogen and contributes to breast cancer in both men and women. To check the ratings on the personal care products you use, go to Skin Deep at Type in the name of your product for a rating from 1 - 10. If your product is above a 2 it's time to switch to a healthy alternative. Beware though, even cosmetics labeled as "Organic" may contain toxic chemicals. Research before you purchase organic products to make sure your personal care products are safe.
This article may only be duplicated by giving full credit to Mary Findley, owner of Mary Moppins copyright @ 2008.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Your Lean, Green Home 
Going green means making changes in the products you buy and how you clean your home. Some folks freeze when it comes to making any changes in their life. Afterall change can be scary to some people. Whether you decide to go green and rid your home of toxic chemicals and save your health and our Mother Earth, is your choice. I'm here only as a guide along "The Green Brick Road." What I can tell you is that "Oz" awaits at the end of your journey.
Tackle one room at a time.
It is far easier to tackle one room at a time but don't dwaddle between rooms. The sooner you rid your life of toxins, the sooner your health will improve. Start in the kitchen by switching automatic dish washing detergents to an organic product. Look for the Green Seal of Approval or other affirmations that the contents have been validated as being eco-friendly. Rinse dishes thoroughly before loading the dish washer. Then even if your detergent is a bit on the weak side, your dishes will come wonderfully clean.
Next switch out your liquid dish soap. Rid your life of all products containing sodium laurel sulfate as you read in the last post. If you keep an all purpose cleaner under your sink for those quick cleaning jobs, then head thee to the health food store for a bottle of organic all purpose cleaner or try Mary Moppins CleanEz.
Baking soda and baking powder both work as healthy alternative scrubbing compounds. Boil a bit of distilled white vinegar, add a drop of CleanEz or liquid dish soap and enough baking soda to make a paste and you will be amazed at the scrubbing power when those products join forces. 
Then start replacing your plastic storage containers and bowls with ceramic or glass containers. Plastic leaches nitrates and dioxin into hot food. Dioxin is bio-accumulating in your body. In other words it never goes away and carries serious health issues. Check the dates on your spices, flour etc. Do you have any cans of food that have rusted or the bottoms are "pouching" out? If so, it's time to replace them.
This article may only be reproduced giving credit to Mary Findley and her website All rights reserved @2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Green Your Home

Let's start taking small steps to rid your home of toxins that could be causing health issues. Remember most health problems caused by the products you use and the food you eat may not surface for years. Like dirt and grease ill health is a build up problem and prevention is the only cure. A green home is a healthy home and usually free of serious diseases I discussed in my last post.

First a bit of prep work. Chemical companies are not required to list the ingredients used in their products. Supposed organic green products may contain toxic chemicals. Always stay clear of any product containing sodium laurel sulfate. It is found in anything that foams: dish washing detergent, shampoo, toothpaste, laudry soap, most body care products and even soft swirl ice cream. It leaches the chemicals out of plastic bottles and gasses off dioxin or nitrates.

Aubrey body care products are excellent as are Bi-O-Kleen, Mary Moppins and the Clean Team line of cleaners. Bi-O-Kleen carries excellent dish soaps, laundry soaps and dish washer soaps. When I tossed my Cascade dish washer soap and started using Bi-O-Kleen my sinuses cleared up. The "clean" smell that hits your nostrils during the wash cycle of a dish washer is not so "clean." It is off gassing some highly toxic gasses. Until you can make the switch, open a window and turn on the fan to rid your home of those toxic fumes.

This article may only be reprinted giving credit to Mary Findley and Mary Moppins Mary Findley @ 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Green Cleaning

About the time you think you have mastered a subject like green cleaning, along comes a 4x4 plank that knocks you across the head turning your world into humble pie. I've been preaching the glories of using eco friendly products like white vinegar and baking soda for over a decade and thought I knew the world of toxins.

I quickly found out that my "PhD" in green cleaning was barely an elementary education. I knew nothing about the nasty world of things like sodium laurel sulfate, ethylene dichloride, phthalates, dioxin, 2-butoxyethanol, chlorides, diethanolamine, ethylene glycolhydroxides, d-Limonene, Morpholine, Naphtha or Phenols.

That is just the beginning of a long list of products that cause brain and neurological damage, liver and kidney dysfunctions, asthma, a multitude of cancers and lung problems. Did you know that the sodium laurel sulfate in hand soaps, shampoos, liquid dish soaps and bar soaps etc reacts to the plastic from the bottles? That reaction emits toxins like nitrates and dioxins into the product which leach into your body every time you use it. Dioxin is otherwise known as Agent Orange and recognized by the EPA as the most toxic chemical known to man. Dioxin is stored in your fat cells and never goes away.

Dioxin is also formed whenever chlorine comes into contact with other chemicals and it doesn't have to be ammonia. Please discard your bleach and turn to borax or hydrogen peroxide instead.

Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to be aware of the toxins you have invited into your home and your body. You read articles declaring that there is nothing you can do about preventing cancer that one out of two or three people will succumb to it.

Well I'm here to tell you that there is plenty you can do to prevent these serious illnesses. All of that will be covered in another book I'm starting this weekend. It will talk about my life with Hepatitis C and celiac sprue and cover the wholeness approach for a healthy life. Going green and staying disease free encompasses every part of your life.

Getting the toxic chemicals and personal body care products out of your life is a great first step. Remember when you replace your personal care products and cleaners with healthy green products, read the labels. Not all green products are green.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

More Hidden Dirt

     When was the last time you cleaned your air ducts? Dust mites, mold, dust bunnies and a host of rather unpleasant "things" hang around in your air ducts. If it has been over 5 years since you last had them cleaned then tackle this job along with the rest of your spring cleaning. If you or any family member has allergies, asthma, sinus or bronchial conjestion cleaning your air ducts is especially important. If you are a do-it-yourselfer who likes to save money call some rental companies. A few of them stock air duct cleaning equipment. 


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Cleaning Window Screens

Cleaning Windows can be a bit troubling especially when it comes to screens. Rather than washing them, which wastes water and time clean them with a dry sponge found at pet stores, Mary Moppins and Bed Bath and Beyond. They are great for removing pet hair from furniture. When they soil, simply sand them with a light grit sandpaper and continue cleaning.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

More on Hidden Dirt

Cleaning Refrigerator Coils: I was not a happy camper when I found out my refrigerator coils could not be cleaned with a brush or vacuum. What were the designers thinking? Oh right. They are depending on my laziness to not clean those coils which means the refrigerator breaks down sooner which means I replace it more frequently.

     Those coils must be cleaned a minimum of once a year preferable twice. If your coils cannot be reached with a vacuum cleaner or with a bottle brush then renting an air compressor is your only option. Please be kind to Mother Earth and clean the coils to extend the life of your refrigerator. Remove the back and blow the dust and dirt from the coils using a lower pressure setting.

     While you have the compressor rented, it doesn't hurt to clean dryer hoses and vents. Move the washer and dryer out and give the floor a good cleaning as well. Use the same bottle brush to clean the drain pipes to prevent them from clogging. Yes pour a cup of Nature's Miracle down those drains after they have been cleaned.

     Still have an hour of time left for the rental of your air compressor? Then blow the winter debris out of your gutters. Yes it is fast.  I've also used it to blow dust and dirt out from window enclosures and my sliding glass door. Call me lazy if you want, but if there is shortcut that makes life a bit easier yet still does a great job, I'm going to take advantage of it.

This article may only be reprinted giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website at Copyright @2008 All rights reserved worldwide. 

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Kitchen disposal drains

     The thought of kitchen disposals emiting even a mild odor while I'm preparing dinner will run me out of the kitchen in no time.  Toxic chemicals of any kind are high on my list of things to leave on the grocery store shelf. Most of them clog disposals. 

     So how do you keep your drain clear and not smelling like last night's fish? Easy - head to a pet store to buy Nature's Miracle. It is an enzyme product used for removing fecal and urine matter from carpet and furniture and it works. Those enzymes "eat" away at bacteria, any bacteria whether it's in the carpet or your drain. Pour a cup of it into all your drains once a month at night before bed to keep them running clear and get rid of those toxic drain openers.  

     Now back to the kitchen disposal. Purchase a brush made for cleaning bottles or use a small sink brush. Dampen it with CleanEz or your all purpose cleaner and scrub away. A nylon scrub pad like the blue ones you find at grocery stores also do a fairly good job and will clean the blades a bit better than the tip of a bottle brush. You can sprinkle just a bit of baking soda onto the brush but PLEASE make sure you use less than half a teaspoon. Anything more than that can clog your drain. Run plenty of water before turning on the disposal.

This article may only be reprinted giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website at Copyright @2008 All rights reserved worldwide. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

This next series of cleaning tips is geared to help you do some deep cleaning for spring. Be sure to check back each day for a new tip for spring cleaning.
Cleaning Toilets to Remove Stains
     How many of you see those dreaded brownish or reddish streaks running down the inside of your toilet bowl? A quick look inside the tank provides an instant answer as to the source of the problem. Our Erase It for Bathrooms quickly removes those stains as well as iron and hard water rings without scratching. Let's tackle cleaning the tank to diffuse future problems. 

First you will need: A plastic bucket; several old towels and two extra to place on the floor around the toilet; an SOS pad; diluted CleanEz or your all purpose cleaner; a sponge and rubber gloves.

Next: Turn off the water at the back of the tank and flush removing the water from both the bowl and the tank. If there is water remaining in the bottom of the tank, it can be used to help clean the tank. Clean the toilet with the Erase It for Bathrooms to remove those ugly marks.

Next: scrub the tank with diluted Clean Ez or your all purpose cleaner to remove surface scum and mold. Then dampen the SOS pad giving the tank a good scrub.

Finally using a dampened old cloth, wipe down the tank and do a final rinse with the sponge. Finish by using the sponge to remove any water in the bottom of the tank.

Quick Cleaning Tip: If you want to make toilet bowl cleaning a breeze in the future, dry the inside of the toilet before you let the water back in. Grab your bottle of Advantage spraying the inside of the toilet. Wipe it around to spread evenly. Let that set 5 minutes and allow the water back in the tank. Advantage contains polymers, which make surfaces slick so nothing sticks. Oh is cleaning a toilet easy when it is waxed.

This article may only be reprinted giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website at Copyright @2008 All rights reserved worldwide. 

Monday, February 04, 2008

Six Ways to Conserve Water
 As you well know the Northwest and California are under severe weather seizures as is much of the Northeast. However years of drought have dried up reservoirs that will takes years of rain and snow to refill. Many other parts of our country like Georgia have been under a five year plus drought. Some of their main lakes that supply water, linger on the dangerously low side in spite of recent rains.

     This area of water conservation is stretching the cleaning realm of this newsletter a bit but it is so direly important, I feel compelled to share tips that could mean extending our water supply for years. If 5 million people would conserve just 1 gallon of water a day, it would save nearly 1.9 billion gallons of water a year. Just think of the savings if each person in the United States would conserve just a gallon of water a day. It would run into the trillion of gallons saved each year.

     Let's take a look at some of the water conservation RVers use to avoid using excess water.

1)       When they warm up the shower water in the morning, they let the cold water run into a bucket, which they use for washing dishes. Use that water for plants or trees if you live in an area that prohibits the use of sprinklers or outdoor watering. Take short five minute showers. If you are in a drought area, purchase a shower head that turns off at the head itself. Soak down, turn the water off, soap up then turn the water back on to rinse off. Turning the water off at the head keeps your water hot when you turn it back on to rinse.  Savings? Around 2 to 3 gallons of water a day per person.

2)       Don't run your dishwasher. Use it only as a drying rack for dishes you wash by hand. Dishwashers require enormous amounts of water. This measure alone will save you 10 to 15 gallons of water a week depending on the number of times you run your dishwasher. . As you cook, fill up one side of your sink with hot water. Use that water for washing pots or utensils as you cook.

3)       Sorry men but turning off the water while you shave you will save half a gallon of water. Fill the sink half full of water instead – yes using the water you caught in the shower.

4)       Turn off the faucet when you brush your teeth or wash your face. Use a washcloth rather than running water over your face. Savings? A half gallon of water.

5)       Do your flower beds a favor and save a corner of your yard for table scraps – no not meat or bones. Any kind of vegetable or fruit peel, including rinds, break down quickly in the soil. Use your shovel to chop them into small pieces, dig them under and you have the richest garden soil you could ever want. Egg shells don't break down very quickly. Savings? 3 or 4 gallons of water running the disposal. You also save those scraps from going into the sewer system when you put them down your disposal, which is a huge plus for Mother Earth.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Deep Clean 

    Happy New Year!  The holiday season is over and time to get decorations put back. There is no better time to deep clean than now when that space is already empty. Vacuum or sweep, clean and then treat the area if needed for any bugs like ants or spiders.

     Any area where things are stored for long periods are breeding grounds for mold and mildew especially in humid or rainy climates. Our CleanEz does an excellent job not only removing dirt build up especially along the edges of carpet but it kills most mold and mildew. Our Pure Ayre is the best odor remover around. It will not mask odors but destroys them. Treat carpet or flooring early on if you suspect mold or mildew. Left unchecked it will spread.

      Storing Leftovers

     Take care storing your holiday leftovers. Anything that set out for more than 4 or 5hours should be tossed. This is especially true of dips, salad dressings, meats or anything cooked. At the very least make sure to turn your refrigerator down just a bit if it is quite full. Freeze leftovers that won't be eaten immediately.

     Don't forget to download copy of my stain removal guide from my website. It is handy to have when cleaning up after a party or anytime.