Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Green Energy Savings Tips
for the Holidays
The Holidays are here along with cold weather and higher heating bills. Here are seven tips to help keep you fuel bills down.
1) Spend the extra $20 to $30 to buy a thermostat that can be set for various times. Going out shopping for the day or headed to work? Set the temperature to 60 degrees until a half-hour before you return. You save 7 to 9 hours of heating bills yet your home is toasty warm when you walk in the door.
2) Next set the thermostat for no higher than 67 during the day and 63 at night. Depending on where you live, it will save you between 15 and 17% on your heating bill. 
3) Clean your light bulbs. Yes the dirtier they are the more energy they use.
4) If you have tall ceilings then a ceiling fan is a must. Turn it so the blades run clockwise during the summer and counterclockwise during the winter. Why have all that warm air hanging around your ceiling? Set it on low speed to conserve electricity.
5) When you need to replace your water heater, switch to the "on demand" water heaters. They consume far less space and only heat the water that is being used. That can be a whopping 10 to 20% fuel savings.
6) Leaving for the day? Keep shades pulled in bedrooms and windows at the back of your home to prevent heat loss. Leaving your shades closed on front windows is an open invitation for theives so open them when you leave for the day  Close them from dusk to dawn however to keep the heat inside your home.
7) People love outdoor decorations for the holiday season. Consider cutting back this year to help conserve valuable energy. Put a timer on the lights so they turn off at 10 each night. Never leave lights on all night.

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