Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Anti-bacterial Soaps and Cleaners
Stop before you leap onto the antibacterial soap band wagon. First of all, most germs only live an hour or so on most surfaces. Definitely wash your hands after using the restroom or wash frequently if someone in your home is ill. Just don't use antibacterial soaps. Why? Because the chemicals used to kill the germs are more toxic to your body than the germs. Many of them have been linked to cancer.
Remember a dime size patch of skin contains millions of cells. Those cells absorb everything you put on your body where it hitches a ride throughout your body courtesy of your blood cells. Thus antibacterial soaps likewise absorb into your body through those cells. Once inside they continue to do their job of killing bacteria both good and bad. Our bodies need the balance of good and bad bacteria to stay healthy. Killing them throws your body off balance and could lead to serious illness.
The same holds true for using antibacterial cleaners on surfaces. If a surface has come into contact with raw food like egg, meat, or milk then it should be disinfected. Disinfect it first with 3% hydrogen peroxide then a 50/50 solution of water to vinegar. This combo is far more effective than bleach and it certainly won't destroy your health like chlorine. Other than that disinfecting a surface on a regular basis actually introduces more harmful toxins into your home than the germs. Stop to think a minute - how did the germs get onto your floor? Probably from you walking on them - right? Do you disinfect your feet? No? Then why do you need disinfectants on your floors?
This article may only be reprinted giving credit to Mary Findley and her website at Copyright @2008 worldwide.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Remove Soda Can Mars
Soda cans that bump into the walls or doors of a refrigerator leave ugly grey mars. Remove them by using a dab of toothpaste or by making a paste of *organic liquid dish soap and baking soda. Scrub gently and rinse with warm water. Next clean the entire shelf and dry thoroughly. Cut a strip of clear, self-adhesive plastic shelf  paper wide enough to cover the bottom of the shelf and put it on the shelf. Then cut another strip 2 inches wide and the length of the door or wall of your refrigerator depending on where you store the cans. Press it into place at the same height as the can to prevent wall mars. 
*Regular dish soap works just fine.  I cannot encourage you enough to toss your toxic chemicals and switch to soaps that are approved by the EPA or carry the Green Seal of Approval. They are safer for our environment and your health. 
This article may only be reprinted by giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website at Rights reserved worldwide. copyright @2008.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Ten Steps to Take Now to Winterize Your Home 
Now is the time to prepare for the cold months ahead. Here is a short "to do" reminder list.
 1.  Clean your fireplace. Soot-filled chimneys are a fire that will happen. A professional cleaning is recommended.
 2.  Wash and wax your vehicles especailly if you live in snowy areas.
 3. Clean and winterize lawn mowers, chain saws or any other equipment that uses gasoline. Never store gas near heat.
 4.  Wash all bedding including blankets. Vacuum mattresses and spray for dust mites if you live in humid areas. See the prior post on how to use geranium oil as a natural bug deterent.
 5. Remove drapes with the help of your partner or a friend and take them outside and shake the dust out of them.
 6. Clean your dryer vents and hoses. Have your air ducts professionally cleaned as well. 
 7. Kill any mold yet growing on sidewalks and driveways. These areas get extra slick with frost and snow.
 8.  Stock up on healthy snacks, candles and emergency supplies in case of an electrical outage from a snow or ice storm.
 9. Trim any dead branches from trees and sweep your roof especially if you have a fireplace and
10. Go out for a final hike in the woods to enjoy the autumn colors.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

"Declutter your home." "Get rid of anything you aren't using." Every article you read on cleaning your homes shouts "Declutter." Why? Clutter is another main element that elevates the toxicity of your home. Clutter encourages moisture, upon which mold, mildew, and dust mites grow. What an ideal time right now to declutter your home, before the hectic holiday season starts. After you declutter your home, spray your carpeting and upholstered furniture with 1/3 cup distilled white vinegar in a quart of distilled water. Vinegar helps kill mold and mildew and has been known to discourage dust mites. Add 2 to 3 drops of  geranium essential oil to the mixture. Geranium oil kills fleas and bugs like dust mites. Make sure your essential oils are organic and processed by a reputable company. Inexpensive oils may contain petroleum distillates or other toxic additives.
This article may only be reprinted by giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website at Rights reserved worldwide. copyright @2008.