Mary's Top Five do ahead Spring Cleaning Tips:
Spring Cleaning doesn't have to start in the spring and shouldn't wait until you are busy painting the house and working on the yard. Now is the time to get a step ahead of it.
Cleaning your computer: First of all how long has it been since you last took the cover off your computer to dust it with the cleaner you can purchase at office supply stores? Ouch that one hurt huh? Yes I'm a nag about these things. Cleaning extends the life time of your computer keeping it running at top speed the entire time of its life.
Removing the casing should be done monthly but few of us have the time. Don't drag your feet or you may find you feet hitting the gas peddle to the electronics store for a new computer. Clean all screens including the newest screens with a 50/50 solution distilled water to rubbing alcohol.
My top 5 "don't wait for spring cleaning" chores:
1) Deep Cleaning: Each week when you vacuum pull the furniture out from the walls in one sector of your home ie the bedrooms, living area or dining area. Then scratch one spring cleaning chore off your list. Our dry sponge is wonderful for removing dust and dirt that has collected along the walls.
Wrap a damp towel sprayed with a bit of CleanEz around one of Mary Moppins mop heads and quickly and easily dust baseboards. It even does a fast and easy job dusting the back of cabinets and bedroom furniture. The less you have to crawl around on the floor the faster you will clean.
If you smell any musty odors, CleanEz does an excellent job killing mold and mildew even in carpets. Our Pure Ayre for Marine kills all mold and mildew odors. The Pure Ayre for Home works exceptionally fast to permanently rid your carpet, bedding or furniture of urine or fecal odors. These are all on sale for 20% off for readers only.
2) Clean the clutter: We recently had the carpet re-stretched in the bedrooms of our home, which means moving everything out of closets, pulling drawers out of dressers to move them etc. Only having been in this home for five years it was shocking how much "stuff" had accumulated. I need to pay closer attention to my own advice "If it's not a family heirloom or could become one and it has not been used for over 3 or 4 years, give it away or have a spring garage sale. This is an easy step when you are pulling furniture out from the wall. Plus you have a couple of months to get the items marked for your garage sale!
3) Cleaning drapes: Clean your drapes with our dry sponge or your vacuum attachment. If the drapes are not to large consider removing them and taking them outdoors (if possible) and give them a good shake. Many people also take them to a Laundromat and put them in the dryer on "air" to draw out the dust. Having tried both I vote for shaking them outside. It took far less time without chancing death by dryer if the dryer is not working properly.
4) Cobwebs under the eves: Removing holiday lighting around your home also provides an excellent time to turn off the lights on cobwebs. For those of you living in the plain states like Colorado your lights and cobwebs may need to wait until spring. Hopefully you have dug your way out of the nasty storms. Professional pesticide companies use Mary Moppins mops to quickly remove those cobwebs without the dust and dirt falling in their face. Alternately use a broom to knock them down.
5) Clean and Condition Kitchen and Bathroom cabinets to prevent cooking oils or bathroom steam from penetrating the wood, which will dry and crack the wood. Bathroom cabinets turn a grayish color. Our one step Wood Cleaner and Conditioner keeps them in top shape if used regularly. Then dilute it 5 parts water to one part Wood Care to use as a regular cabinet cleaner. Discover what it does for your furniture as well. It removes scratch marks on furniture.
Clean acrylic faced cabinets using a barely damp soft cotton cloth. These cabinets have a very high gloss shine that looks like the floor of a basketball court. Most cabinets have a gloss shine but Acrylic cabinets look like they have 10 to 15 layers of finish and they do.
This article may only be reprinted giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website at Copyright @2006 All rights reserved worldwide.
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