Mary Findley is a veteran cleaning expert and owner of Mary Moppins. Mary’s goal is to teach you speed cleaning tricks and have you join her Greener Cleaner team by subscribing to her blog, signing up for her newsletter at and by reading her book "The Complete Idiots Guide to Green Cleaning" available everywhere. Mary’s line of specially designed cleaning tools are eco-friendly yet industrial strength to give you the cleaning power you need to clean quickly and thoroughly.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
The SWSWSWWNs of Cleaning part 1
Please see prior blogs like
Are You Cleaning too Often? Not Enough? What is Just Right?
This is a 2 part series called SWSWSWWN. It's a saying I learned with sales work. Some Will, Some Won't, So What, Who's Next. In sales it means some will buy, some won't buy, so what can you do to convert the "some who won't buy" then determine what's next? Stop to think about this catchy little phrase. Much of life revolves around this same principal including cleaning.
Some will overkill on the cleanliness issue, some won't clean but the basics. Others say "so what, it's only going to get dirty again so why clean." So what's next? Let's take a look at what might be over kill and what is under kill and how to find that even pace.
Face it, If you spray paint your cobwebs orange and black at Halloween, then perhaps you might want to take a closer look at your cleaning schedule. Another good test is to run your fingernail along the bottom of the shower wall. If your fingernail turns white, that is soap residue buildup. It indicates one of two things: either your product isn't working or you aren't working.
The final check point is whether or not you turn on your ceiling fan. If you leave it off to avoid scattering the accumulated dust then your cleaning outlook needs some dusting. This type of buildup happens only because you are not cleaning effectively. These areas are avoided because time just doesn't permit the attention they need.
Hang in there I am writing a short booklet that puts speed cleaning into the horse and buggy era.
You can keep your home clean with minimal effort and without over doing on the clean scene. Here is a general rule of thumb to follow to help determine a cleaning schedule suitable for you.
- Singles or couples with no pets, children or hobbies that create dust like woodworking can squeak by with an every other week cleaning. I do recommend vacuuming carpets every week to prevent the buildup of damaging dust and dirt. The frequency of vacuuming depends on your individual circumstance.
- If children or pets are present in the home, then a weekly cleaning schedule including vacuuming, kitchen and damp mopping floors is necessary to keep the home clean. Dusting can be alternated with bathroom cleaning every other week to help with busy schedules.
- Busy homes with several children or pets inside the home or those who live on farms, ranches or dusty roads need weekly maintenance and possibly twice a week.
People can become excessive with cleanliness and disinfect every surface each time it is used. I have known people who spray down their toilet seats every time they use it. That is excessive. If you have a spill or accident which produces bacteria like feces, urine, milk, raw meat, eggs etc then that surface must be disinfected every time. Otherwise regularly scheduled cleaning will keep your home in top shape, your sanity in check and keep the clutter away.
Next issue we will talk about hidden dirt in the home and how to apply the SWSWSWWN to cleaning.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
1) Wash the bedsheets and flip the mattress in any spare bedroom that will be used by guests. This is the time to pull the bed and dressers out in those rooms to thoroughly vacuum under and behind them as well as dust the baseboards. If a room is not to be used during the holidays clean it thoroughly then shut the door.
2) Bring together all the stain removal products you may need into one spot. Include:
A fresh bottle or two of hydrogen peroxide for red wine or punch stains
A bottle of Nature's Miracle for any pet stains or accidents
Foaming shaving cream for stains on fabric furniture
Our CleanEz for most food stains
Make sure you have a hair dryer and all white paper towels for removing candle wax. There are on candle wax preventions tips on my website.
Removing Stains
Be sure you print out my Stain Removal Guide from my website. For an even better guide pick up a copy of my book "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Cleaning" from my website or most bookstores. It is one of the most complete stain removal guides around plus it has a speed cleaning guide that will zip you through any cleaning chore fast!
3) Now comes the tough but essential part to give you added time during the holidays. Make a commitment to run errands nor more than twice a week. It takes at least 30 to 40 minutes just driving to and from a store. Keep spare tape, paper, glue, screwdrivers and pliers within easy reach.
Stop The Dirt At The Door
4) Buy a large size carpet sample to place at your front door. Carpet does a great job cleaning the bottom of shoes. Then put a non rubber backed throw rug just inside the door to catch what the carpet sample missed. Rubber backed throw rugs leave yellow stains on surfaces especially when they get wet. Make sure the throw rug is light in color otherwise the dye will seep into your carpet. Hold the throw rug in place with non skid padding you find in most department stores. It should not yellow like the rubbed backing on rugs.
5) Get extra spray bottles from the hardware store and fill them with additional cleaners like Clean Ez that you use as an all purpose cleaner, our Benya or your window cleaner or heavy duty cleaner like Terra Plus. Keep these bottles filled so when messes arrive along with guests time is not wasted filling bottles.
Do Your Buying Early
6) Purchase any napkins, paper cups, plastic silver ware paper table cloths etc you need for the entire holiday season. Stock up early on non perishable items to cut down shopping time later. Remember the lists I recommended writing out early? Get that list written and go shopping. This is also the time to shop for gifts for the baby sitter, house cleaner, children's teachers etc. Wrap them so they are ready to go.
This article may only be reprinted giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website at Copyright @2007 All rights reserved worldwide.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Get a head start on Holiday cleaning and preparation to save those last minute "how am I going to get this done" jitters.
First look at my Oct 6th 2006 blog. It contains a delicious pie crust that makes two double crusted pies and freezes up to six months. I do not believe in eating pie crusts of this nature since they are deadly to your heart and veins but offer it for people who enjoy a good crust.
I strongly recommend fixing pie crusts made from live food like raw cashews, dates and agave syrup. They are sinful yet completely healthy. Please eat healthy this season J.
Take Good Care of Your Wood
Grab our Wood Care and give your wood furniture and cabinets a head start on the winter. Heat dries wood so pampering your wood now will keep it healthy and happy while you celebrate the season.
Get your linens out and soak them in fresh hydrogen peroxide about 2 cups in a bathrub - to remove any yellowing. This works well for baptism gowns as well.
This is the time to polish your silver and wash your holiday dishes
Make Your Holiday List
Write out a list of what needs to be done and when. Check them off when you finish. While you sit at fall soccer and football games, address envelopes for your holiday cards if you purchased them at the end of season sales last year. Take along a notebook and write out dinner menus then make your grocery list.
Compile a list of dishes that can be made ahead of time and frozen not only for guest meals but also for your dinners when time is tight. Most meals like stews freeze well for two to three months. I like freezing them in plastic bags (mark them on the front for the content, number of servings and date) and freeze the meal on a cookie sheet. Remove the cookie sheet when they are frozen. Bags take up less room in the freezer than containers and move into smaller spots if space is needed.
Fall is also the time for cleaning windows and screens for the winter. Benya is the best streak free window cleaner you will ever use. Couple that with our lint free towels for spotless windows. You won't even be able to tell the glass is there. Plus it helps prevent fogging on bathroom mirrors and leaves a wonderful streak free shine on black faced appliances. Next use our Dry Sponge to quickly clean screens. Our CleanEz will remove grit and dirt around window sills and quickly removes most carpet stains besides being a remarkable all purpose cleaner. Don't you love saving the space keeping dozens of products? The landfills love you for it as well.
The trick to speed cleaning your way through not only the holiday season but any time is having products that work and fast. Ask any man they know. They buy the best tools for the garage because they know when it comes to doing any job it is the quality of the tool that makes it easy. The same goes for cleaning tools. Stock up now on your favorite items before prices go up in Nov.
This article may only be reprinted giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website at Copyright @2007 All rights reserved worldwide.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Removing Red Dye or Red Wine Stains From Carpet
If your cat or dog leaves red stains in your carpet after eating, switch food. It's the red dye in their food that causes the problem. Dogs and cats are color blind. Switching to a neutral color food eliminates the problem.
Remove red dye spots or red wine from carpet or clothing with a solution of 50% hydrogen peroxide to 50% water. *Always test a spot first for color fastness.* Blot the spot wait 15 minutes and rinse immediately with white vinegar and water. Repeat if needed. Make sure your bottle of peroxide is fresh as old peroxide looses its fizzle.
*NOTE: Red dye stains are caused from dog or cat food, popsicles, Kool-Aid, punch or sodas.
This article may only be reprinted giving proper credit to Mary Findley and her website at All rights reserved world wide.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Dirt on clothing left hanging in a closet
Recently a woman wrote in asking how to get rid of the "dirt" marks that collected along the top of a few garments that had been hanging in the closet for several years. She had lost weight and now fit back into these clothes and was elated to be able to wear them again. Only they live in a dusty area and the shirts and blouses gathered dirt along the area where they came in contact with the hanger.
She purchased a bottle of my CleanEz and away went the dirt along with the soap residue on her shower walls a several stains in her carpet.
Storing Clothing
If you are going to be storing clothing for any length of time, it is far easier and safer to purchase the "space bags" that you find in places like Bed Bath and Beyond. Easy to use, the clothes can be stored without worry of bugs or dirt getting into the bag. Use them for storing little used or seasonal items such as Christmas and Thanksgiving linens. They fit quite nicely under a bed to stretch storage space.
Fall Cleaning Tips
Fall is the best time to do those cleaning chores we all tend to ignore. Next time you shower remove the shower curtains and toss them into the washer with the floor mat or a few towels. The towels or mat will help "scrub" them. Dry by simply hanging them back up.
Remove your bed spread or cover then launder it along with the mattress cover if it can be laundered do read the directions. They collect dust and dust mites. Dry the bed spread until it is about half dry then finish outdoors draped over your outdoor furniture or a fence. That fresh outdoor smell will linger a long time. Vacuum the mattress after removing the cover. This is an excellent time to flip the mattress and then pull the bed out to thoroughly vacuum under the bed. Yes we all tend to ignore this part of our housecleaning including myself. Yet we spend more of our time on our beds than on any other piece of furniture in our homes.
Remember it is wise to flip or turn your mattress each time you wash your sheets. I know the manufactures say to do this monthly maybe for the first six or seven months but for long wear, flip and turn each time you wash sheets.
Clean your Curtains and Drapes
Next on your list is to remove your curtains and launder them if they can be washed. If they are dry clean only and don't need cleaning grab a friend or spouse and take them outside for a good old fashioned shake down. You will be amazed the amount of dust that comes flying from the crevices and corners.
Now that you have pulled the furniture away from the wall to remove the curtains it provides a wonderful opportunity to run one of our dry sponges along the baseboards to clean both the baseboards and edge of the carpet. I know you vacuum this area regularly but a vacuum just does not collect all the dirt in the crevice between the baseboard and carpet.
This article may only be reproduced giving credit to Mary Findley referencing her book "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Cleaning" and her website All rights reserved worldwide.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Remember "one" of my main rules on cleaning and care of anything is prevention. Stains become tremendously more difficult to remove when vinyl or leather is allowed to become dry. Dryness eventually leads to cracking, which leads to expensive replacement.
You must be apply a leather/vinyl conditioner to any leather or vinyl seat, chair or couch at least twice a year and boat seats three to four times a year. This is especially important for boat seats that tend to become moldy and dry more quickly due to exposure to the elements.
Just remember after you remove a stain if you are using a general cleaner or something I recommend below, you must condition the seats afterwards or they will dry which will only lead to more difficulty later in cleaning them.
Some common boat stains involve: tree sap or leaves from trees; swimsuits or towels that have left a dye on the seats; spilled drinks, grease or oil and mold or mildew.
1) For tree sap or leaves; grease and oil including fried food or Fido's slobbering on the seats and heavy dirt. Usually most of these stains can be removed with foaming tub and tile cleaner either that made by Lysol or Dow. No I do not like this stuff in the shower or bathroom. It's completely useless there and an expensive way to clean. But for some reason those little foaming bubbles seem to remove these kinds of dirt and grime.
If you are dealing with oil or grease from perhaps your engine then try a foaming shaving cream. The gel won't work but sometimes the 3 kinds of alcohol in the foaming shaving cream will zap that stuff off without damaging the vinyl.
2) Dye from swimsuits, towels, red dye from food or drinks: I don't know that these stains will come out. Try pouring some baking soda on the stain then spraying that with hydrogen peroxide a fresh bottle please. It will bubble and fizzle which helps sometimes to remove a stain. Do not leave this on longer than 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly. If that does not remove the stain leave it alone as anything else strong enough to remove the stain will "burn" the vinyl.
3) Mold and mildew: My CleanEz will kill mold and mildew to prevent it from worsening. However, once mold or mildew has been allowed to get a strong hold in either vinyl or leather, the stain itself usually will not come out. Try the method in #2 but I doubt if you can remove the stain.
4) Dirt and grime: Try a foaming tub and tile cleaner then condition with Leather/Vinyl Care is the best you can buy for cleaning and conditioning vinyl or leather.
This article may only be reprinted giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website at Copyright @2007 All rights reserved worldwide.