Sunday, November 04, 2007

Preparation For The Holidays 
Let's finish putting together that list of things to get done now for the holidays.

       1)      Wash the bedsheets and flip the mattress in any spare bedroom that will be used by guests. This is the time to pull the bed and dressers out in those rooms to thoroughly vacuum under and behind them as well as dust the baseboards. If a room is not to be used during the holidays clean it thoroughly then shut the door.

2)      Bring together all the stain removal products you may need into one spot. Include:

      A fresh bottle or two of hydrogen peroxide for red wine or punch stains

      A bottle of Nature's Miracle for any pet stains or accidents

      Foaming shaving cream for stains on fabric furniture

      Our CleanEz for most food stains

      Make sure you have a hair dryer and all white paper towels for removing candle wax. There are on candle wax preventions tips on my website.    

Removing Stains

     Be sure you print out my Stain Removal Guide from my website. For an even better guide pick up a copy of my book "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Cleaning" from my website or most bookstores. It is one of the most complete stain removal guides around plus it has a speed cleaning guide that will zip you through any cleaning chore fast!

3)      Now comes the tough but essential part to give you added time during the holidays. Make a commitment to run errands nor more than twice a week. It takes at least 30 to 40 minutes just driving to and from a store. Keep spare tape, paper, glue, screwdrivers and pliers within easy reach.

Stop The Dirt At The Door

4)      Buy a large size carpet sample to place at your front door. Carpet does a great job cleaning the bottom of shoes. Then put a non rubber backed throw rug just inside the door to catch what the carpet sample missed. Rubber backed throw rugs leave yellow stains on surfaces especially when they get wet. Make sure the throw rug is light in color otherwise the dye will seep into your carpet. Hold the throw rug in place with non skid padding you find in most department stores. It should not yellow like the rubbed backing on rugs.

5)      Get extra spray bottles from the hardware store and fill them with additional cleaners like Clean Ez that you use as an all purpose cleaner, our Benya or your window cleaner or heavy duty cleaner like Terra Plus. Keep these bottles filled so when messes arrive along with guests time is not  wasted filling bottles.


Do Your  Buying Early


6)      Purchase any napkins, paper cups, plastic silver ware paper table cloths etc you need for the entire holiday season. Stock up early on non perishable items to cut down shopping time later. Remember the lists I recommended writing out early? Get that list written and go shopping. This is also the time to shop for gifts for the baby sitter, house cleaner, children's teachers etc. Wrap them so they are ready to go. 


This article may only be reprinted giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website at Copyright @2007 All rights reserved worldwide.


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