Sunday, December 30, 2012

How to Clean the Living Room, Dining Room and Bedroom
     The past four or five monthly blogs cover cleaning the kitchen, bathroom, floors and general cleaning.  The final segment of this tour de home centers around the living room or den, dining room and bedroom. When I offer a suggestion to clean a certain way, adapt my method to suit your style of cleaning. Don’t forget to view my video to learn about 2 handed cleaning. Click on ‘Watch Mary’s How to video’ from the right side column of my website Here are the basics to clean any living area.

     First things first. Grab one of Mary’s 100% cotton Baby Diaper Cloths baby diaper cloth in each hand and spritz it with diluted WoodCare. Use Wood Care full strength if this is the first time applying it. Wood must be deep conditioned to prevent drying and cracking. Then use Wood Care full strength once a year but inbetween times, dilute it five parts water to  one part Wood Care for weekly cleanings.

     If you have glass coffee tables, stereo fronts or other glass surfaces, spritz a second Baby diaper cloth with Mary’s Benya a streak free concentrated window cleaner. This one 32 ounce bottle makes 40 quarts or 10 gallons of the best window cleaner. It's great for black faced appliances and knocks out film on inside car windows.  

     Just as you do for every room, start dusting from the left of the room working your way clockwise around the room ending with any furniture in the middle. Dust wall hangings first then furniture or other items below the hangings. Use both hands to dust as I teach in my video on cleaning kitchens.

     As you dust, pull furniture two feet away from the wall. Next grab a lightly dampened terry towel and place over Mary’s Mop Head to dust the baseboards. You may need to clothespin the towel so it won’t pull off when rubbing against the carpet. This is not necessary on hard floor surfaces but carpet can pull the towel off the mop head. Run it along the baseboards catching any cobwebs hanging to the back of furniture or walls.

   Vacuum behind the furniture replacing it as you work your way clockwise around the room.
Work your way out the door to prevent dirt from being redistributed on the carpet by your shoes or an overflowing vacuum cleaner bag.  

     If your home has wooden, nylon or metal blinds dust one to two rooms of those each month so they are dusted four times per year. Turn the slats downward and wipe over them with Mary’s lightly dampened baby diaper cloth. Reverse the slats, pull the blind out and walk behind the blind and repeat the cleaning.
This article may only be reprinted giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website All rights reserved worldwide.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Tablecloth Stains

     Stains on tablecloths are a bit tricky to remove. Remove any yellowing of white tablecloths by soaking the tablecloth in a sink of water and add a cup of brand new hydrogen peroxide. Let that set several hours and rinse.

    Remove food stains by dabbing on a drop of liquid dish soap and allow to set 4 or 5 hours then rinse. Rust stains can be the most stubborn. Grab a lemon and squeeze on the juice then sprinkle with salt. Refresh the lemon juice every two hours. It can set over night. Keep repeating until the stain is gone.

Do Ahead Holiday Chores 

     Thanksgiving is getting close. Check your list of things you need to get done and stay focused today until you get everything possible done ahead of time. Polish your silver and wash any serving platters or bowls. Launder table cloths, bake cookies and freeze them. If you make pies I posted a make ahead recipe. Check your candles to make sure the wicks are lead free and they are white or light tan. Candle wax stain will not come out. Soy candles burn longer with less smoke. Double check your grocery list and go over your menu.

     Check for loads of cleaning tips. Copyright @2012 Mary Findley This article may only be copied giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Security for Your Home

     In a firearms class I took yesterday the instructor talked about the increasing number of homes being robbed due to unemployment and cost of living both skyrocketing. He said the best defense against breakins is a heavy duty metal security door installed on the front door. They only cost around $200 and well worth every cent. He also discouraged the use of websites like 4 Square that alert a thief not only to your whereabouts but also that you are not home.

Keep safe out there!

Friday, November 09, 2012

Freezable Yummy Pie Crust Recipe

          Jump start your holiday season by freezing the yummiest pie crusts ever. This recipe makes two double crusts and freezes for six months or refrigerate for six weeks.  
3 Cups sifted flour                        1 egg slightly beaten
1 teaspoon salt                             5 tablespoons ice cold water
1 ¼ cup shortening                       1 tablespoon distilled white vinegar
 Sift flour and salt together. Cut in shortening until the size of small peas.
Add egg and mix lightly. Do not stir pie crust. Flip it with a fork. Stirring pie crust turns it tough.
Combine water and vinegar – sprinkle over flour mixture and toss lightly again avoid stirring. Mix just enough to blend all ingredients.
Pour onto a piece of cling wrap to gather the dough together. Divide equally into 4 parts, gently pat to somewhat flatten on a sheet of wax paper. Alternately roll out and place in the bottom of a pie pan. Freeze. Let it thaw completely before rolling it out.
 When you roll out dough, use a pastry cloth and roll gently from one edge to the opposite side to keep the crust flaky. Never flatten by hand.
I'll be posting frequent tips to get a jump start for the holidays so check back every week.
Copyright @ 2012 all rights reserved world wide.

Friday, November 02, 2012

Emergency Survival Tools

  Emergency Survival Tools  

     When it comes to surviving a natural catastrophe or an uprising, you must have supplies and a game plan. After the devistating effects of 'Sandy' this week I spoke to some friends as to their plans for survival. Shockenly they have no food, tools or plan of escape. They will be like the thousands in any disaster who wait for the government to bail them out, when response is slow at best. 
     Here are a few things to consider. Write down a solution that will work for you:

1)      Without electricity how will you cook, get around in the dark, store food, clean your clothes or the house? Turn off your lights and walk around. What in your home needs electricity to work? What can you substitute that would get you by?

2)      Grocery store shelves are ransacked within hours in an emergency. Do you have emergency food and water stored?

3)      Do you keep your car full of gas? If the electricity goes down you can’t pump gas. If power is available gas lines are so long the station tanks will be empty before you can fill up. 

4)      Do you have a way to grow your own food?  

     Okay here is a list of things to think about and products I found after a lot of research. You will find your own sources that will work for you, but at least this gives you a place to start.

A)    Put together a first aid kit. Get to a drug store and buy all sizes and varieties of bandages especially butterfly band-aids as they are as effective on small cuts as being stitched. Stock up on 
      elastic wraps, ointments, a small pair of scissors, dental floss as it can be used to stitch together a serious wound, needles, tweezers, fingernail clippers, tape, peroxide. Grab something for insect bites, poisen oak etc. Get thin cotton towels to store with the kit so you have a sling or outer wrap for a bad cut or broken bone. For an ointment use Bacitracin rather than Neosporin as it is non-allergenic and works far better to fight infections.

B)    Go online and buy the book “SAS survival Handbook” by John Wiseman. Also get several books on wild eatable plants and another on mushrooms and poisonous plants that are specific for your area. You must be able to identify edible plants as ignorance will kill you.

C)    Water is your biggest concern. Figure out how you will store water. You can use water from the downspout of your home to bathe, wash clothes or water the garden but you can’t drink it as this water has floated down the drain pipes and off the roof. Do your research and purchase good quality water purification bottles and  tablets or liquids if you tote water and good food grade containers for storage.  Be sure to buy 3 to 5 gallon stackable jugs so when you have to leave you have a way to carry and store water.

D)    Food is the next big thing. Freeze dried food stores longer than dehydrated. Store extra water to rehydrate it. Stay away from TVP products as that stuff is horrible for you. It’s far cheaper to buy than real freeze dried chicken or beef but the real stuff won’t give you cancer and a dozen other ailments. I found Thrive to be an excellent source as their freeze dried had no sodium or other chemical additives. They do carry TVP so make sure you get the real stuff.  

E)    How will you cook? I spent days researching and found grills that cook with twigs as a heat source. Yea no propane! Only the reviews were not all that great. Then I found the Volcano. Very heavy duty and I recommend buying the dutch oven that sits on top to cook stews etc. Get the complete kit as this grill can also use charcoal and propane. Stock up on a few bags of charcoal. 

F)    Next up is a good knife to cut those tree branches, skin and degut your kill, dig roots to eat and dozens of other jobs. Research led me to the Canadian Special 3V made by Bark River. 3V metal is the best. It holds an edge better than carbon or A-2 but it’s easier to sharpen than A-2. Whatever knife you get make sure it’s the quality of a 3V metal.

     The metal of the blade must extend to almost the end of the handle. Otherwise it breaks off during use. Bypass the added compasses or cubby holes for storing matches that come with some knives. The compass can get in the way of your grip and cause you to chop off a finger. The storage compartment means the metal of the knife does not extend to the end of the handle as discussed earlier. That means switchable blade knives will also break. Avoid wooden handled knives as wood splits and cracks.  Micarta is one of the best handles and Bark River has them.  You must have a knife sharpening kit and oil to prevent rust. Most important watch the videos on proper care and using your knife

G)    You need flint stones, Bark River makes a good one. Tuck in waterproof matches as a backup. Stock up on rope of various weights, lengths and types. A led flashlight with a 140 lumen is great to ward off animals or blind an enemy. Wool blankets, socks are a must have to keep you warm and dry. A battery operated lantern or two with backup batteries is another necessity. Propane is nice but you won’t be able to get propane in an emergency. Stoves and lanterns use a lot of it. Batteries are best.  

H)     If you need to leave your home also have sleeping bags, pads, tent, tarps, toiletries etc. Did I tell you to stock up on toilet paper? Do that as it’s a valuable commodity.  

I)       A car charger for your cell phone and laptop is handy but keep in mind they will run the car battery down. Reserve gas for traveling.  

J)     Keep on hand large sheets of cardboard. Cardboard is a good insulator. Put it on windows at home and it increases the heat noticeably. Use it in one smaller room then either close the door to the room or block it with more cardboard to hold in body heat. This is so vital at night to help stay warm.  If you need to be on the run, put it on the floor of your car for insulation and on windows at night to hold in body heat. And take extra cardboard to put on the floor of the trunk to use to start fires if needed.  

 The SAS handbook will teach you how to make your own camp tools and equipment. Much of this is made from leather taken from animals you kill. So look over the book and determine what you need to buy to take with you.

      This is just the beginning so research the internet for survival guides as they will lead you to life saving equipment and tricks. Just be careful of the hype some of these websites can lay on you.  Research thoroughly and read the forums as well.  Start by buying the most essential items and build your survival kit from there.
Be safe and smart out there okay?  
This article may only be reprinted giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website All rights reserved world wide.

Saturday, October 06, 2012

     Speed Clean the Kitchen Part II    

     Hopefully your kitchen drain is free of smells and dirt no longer clings to the refrigerator coils. Are you ready to tackle the rest of the kitchen? Well grab a couple of terry towels, your diluted bottle of CleanEz  or Benya  and let’s tackle the rest of the kitchen.

      Finding time to clean the entire kitchen at one time can tax some folks as it often takes as long to clean the kitchen as it does the remainder of the home. Tackle these ‘bog ya down’ jobs separately and you’ll zip through the rest of the kitchen. Tuck a diluted bottle of CleanEz under the sink along with a terry towel. Every night after dinner grab the CleanEz  and the towel then clean one shelf or drawer of the refrigerator before tucking away leftovers. By the end of the week your fridge is clean saving time on precious weekends.

     Various counter tops require different cleaners. CleanEz works great on Formica type counters. Cleaners like CleanEz, Simple Green, 409 etc should never be used on tile, marble, granite and Corian or composite counters. Eventually they etch the finish, dull shine and attack your wallet repairing the damage. Benya  is an excellent choice for these surfaces. 

     The night before cleaning the kitchen, tuck items on the counter top into drawers or cabinets. If you haven’t already, watch my speed cleaning video <> . It’s the last video.

 Here are the Precision Cleaning steps to take in the kitchen:

1)      Fill a coffee cup half full with water and nuke in the microwave for 3 minutes on high to steam and soften any stuck on food.

 2)      Grab the toaster, pull out the crumb shelf and dump the contents then wipe the toaster.

 3)      Put a rubber mat on the bottom of the sink and fill it with hot soapy water. Start soaking the stove grills and pans. Those of you with flat stove tops get to ignore this step. On the flat top stoves pour a bit of hot water with a squirt of dish soap on any dried on dirt and let it soak.

4)      Start at the left side of the kitchen. Pour CleanEz or Benya onto a cloth. The right hand will grab this cloth to clean the counters while the left hand follows with a dry towel. Follow the video and wipe your way around the kitchen. Re-dampen the towel when needed.

5)      Use the damp towel to clean around the door and inside lip of the dishwasher. It will probably be necessary to spray the knobs to remove dust collected there.

 6)      Next wipe the outside of the microwave and turn your attention to the inside. The food has softened from the steaming coffee cup of water so wipe it down. Since the microwave can have some dirt, I usually use a third towel to wipe it down to prevent the crumbs from getting wiped over counter tops.

7)       It’s stove time. Clean the soaking grates with a 0000 steel wool pad and scrub the pans. Turn them upside down on a dish towel to dry as you attack the stove. Whether your stove is flat or has the grates, spray the top and let that set a bit while you wipe down the front.

8)      Sprinkle a bit of baking soda in the sink, scrub rinse and dry. Except for the floors, which were covered in an earlier ezine, the kitchen is done. The floor article is on my blog, which can be accessed from the front page of my website.   
This article may only be copied referring to Mary Findley and her website at All rights reserved world wide.      


Monday, September 10, 2012

Clean the Kitchen
People often ask how to speed clean a home. Catch my video on how to use both hands to clean the kitchen, which applies to bathrooms and dusting as well. Two hands is faster than one. Scroll down to Mary Moppins Cleaning Kitchens.

Apply my number one speed cleaning rule: “Give your product time to work” to all areas that need a little cleaning boost like food burned onto the top of your stove. Spray CleanEz or your green cleaner on the surface, wait 3 or 4 minutes then wipe. Dirt and grime wipe right away if the cleaner is given time to do the work for you.

Let’s tackle some of the more troublesome areas as they should be cleaned prior to the rest of the kitchen.
Smelly disposals:
1) Dampen a sink or toilet bowl brush with diluted CleanEz then sprinkle on a bit of baking soda. Scrub the inside of the disposal to remove odor causing food particles.
2) Head to a pet store for Nature's Miracle that removes pet stains and odors. The enzymes ‘eat’ bacteria that clog drains. Pour half the recommended amount into both kitchen drains before retiring for the night. Yes this works for all drains in the home.

Refrigerator coils must be cleaned twice a year to keep the motor from quickly wearing down.
1) Start with a curved bottle brush and clean around the coils. It's handy to clean around the bends and curves of the coils. Use care not to puncture them. Then vacuum the coils with the brush attachment of the vacuum cleaner.

2) Some refrigerators have coils that run along the length of the bottom. The only way to clean them is to rent an air compressor and blow the dust off the coils.
3) Next wipe the fan blades.
4) Don’t forget to pull the panel off the front and clean it. Dip a sponge paint brush in hot sudsy water to clean the louvers of these panels.

Clean and Condition Kitchen Cabinets twice a year to prevent cooking oils from penetrating the wood, which damages the finish. Our one step Wood Cleaner and Conditioner keeps them in top shape if used regularly. Dilute it 5 parts water to one part Wood Care for those weekly wipes.
Wood Care brings the color back to wood and helps remove scratches and greying in bathroom cabinets. If you are not using Wood Care then look for a petroleum distillate free, bees wax based cleaner and conditioner. Be leery of using olive oil on wood furniture or cabinets. Food oils turn
rancid when exposed to air for any length of time. These oils can gum up the finish.
Microwave filter: It's easy to overlook cleaning this filter when cleaning the microwave, which will be covered in another issue.
1)Put a rubber dish mat on the bottom of the kitchen sink. Fill the sink with hot hot water and squirt in some organic liquid dish soap. Soak the filter for 15 minutes to loosen the grease and oil. Rinse and dry. Wipe down any exposed surfaces surrounding the filter with CleanEz by spraying it on a cloth then clean the surface. Never spray anything around the filter area as the liquid drops can penetrate through to the motor and damage it.
The next set of blog posts will cover the remainder of the kitchen.
This article may only be copied giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website, which contains dozens of handy tips

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

         How to Clean Patio Furniture

     The hot summer days and harsh weather takes its toll on patio furniture. Let's take a look at safe ways to clean this furniture.
This post deals with fabric furniture. My next post will teach you some shortcuts for plastic and wood furniture. 
Cleaning Chair Cushions
1.       Remove the cushions and lay them on a clean flat surface with a piece of plastic under the cushion for protection.
2.      Grab a soft brush and give grit and dirt the brush off. 
3.      Pre-treat stains by squeezing juice from a lemon onto the stain and sprinkle with salt. Work in the cool hours of the day so the lemon juice has time to work on the stain. Allow to dry.
4.      Grab an ice cube and freeze any tree sap or other sticky residue that has taken up residence on these chairs. Gently scrap off the residue with a plastic spatula.
5.      Next mix a capfull of CleanEz in a quart of warm water.
6.      Dampen a clean cloth in the mixture and wipe down both sides paying extra attention to the stains. Wait a few minutes and gently scrub. Warning! This fabric can be damaged by aggressive scrubbing. It is better to saturate the fabric let it set a few minutes than scrub too hard.  
7.      Should any stains remain, retreat with the lemon juice.
8.      Rinse with plain water and let it dry in the sun, which also lightens stains.   

How to Care for the Patio Furniture Frames
1.      First clean powder coated, aluminum or plastic frames with a 1 to 1 solution of vinegar to water. Just like aluminum wheels, furniture frames tarnish. Vinegar does a fair job cleaning aluminum. Use a good aluminum polish to remove oxidation. Use caution when working around the fabric seats and back with aluminum polishes as the fabric discolors.
2.      To help retard the discoloration of aluminum frames and make them a snap to clean, apply two thin coats of Advantage a petroleum distillate free, polymer based car, boat, RV and truck protectant. Spray the protectant on a cloth away from the fabric to avoid staining the fabric then wipe on the frame. Protectants leave a nice shine on aluminum and powder coated frames making future cleaning a snap.
*Caution: Never use ammonia, alkaline cleaners, baking soda, TSP or other harsh cleaners to clean aluminum as these cleaners discolor it, which is difficult to remove.  

Clean the Umbrellas
1.      Remove the umbrella then open and prop it on the ground. Use a soft brush to remove debris.
2.      Freeze any tree sap and scrape to remove.
3.      Clean as you would the fabric chairs only saturate soiled areas and let them set a bit before scrubbing.
4.      Clean and polish the rods as you do frames of chairs.

This article may only be used giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website at All rights reserved worldwide.
Cleaning Wood, Laminated and Cork Floors

     How to Clean Wood Floors: Use caution on wood or laminated floors when you choose both a cleaner and a mop. The wet swiffer type mops, microfiber mops and vegetable oil cleaners like Murphy’s all damage these floor surfaces. Unfortunately you do not know if a product will damage a floor until it is too late. Most wood floors, not all but most, can be sanded and refinished. Laminated floors require replacement.   

Caution: Never use self- wringing mops on these floors as the excess moisture works between the boards and warps the edges.  

     Vacuum or dust mop any hard surface floor prior to mopping them. Wood, laminated and cork floors scratch easily so fine grit must be removed. Raise the beater bar of your vacuum to prevent damage to the floor.   

      As much as my heart is torn by this, some wood floor manufacturers require you to clean their floors with their cleaner. The use of any other cleaner voids the warranty. During my years professionally cleaning homes, food grade distilled white vinegar and water safely cleaned most wood floors except for older floors.   

    Grab a terry towel, toss it over a Mary Moppin’s mop then fill a 32 ounce spray bottle half full of water. Add ¼ cup distilled white vinegar then finish filling with water. Lightly spray the towel with the vinegar and water solution or the solution required by the manufacturer, and mop the floor. This adds enough moisture to the towel to damp mop but not enough to warp the boards.   

    Dust mop older wood floors laid prior to the mid 1970’s. Occasionally they can be damp mopped as above. Use a barely damp cloth to wipe up spills or clean soiled areas. These floors must be treated with a floor paste wax like MinWax at least twice a year to maintain the finish.

     Care of Laminated Floors: Treat these floors as you would hardwood floors. They tolerate a bit more moisture but go easy as excess moisture tends to dull the finish. Laminated floors cannot be sanded and refinished so take care with the products and tools used to clean them.

     Caring for Cork and Bamboo Floors:  Light from window or doors fade cork and bamboo floors.  Keep these areas covered with light colored throw rug. Dust mop cork floors only then spot clean with a barely damp cloth. If the floor must be mopped use very little water as you do for wood floors.

     Vacuum regularly with the beater bar raised. Put felt protectors under all chairs and table legs as these floors dent easily. Never drag a chair across a cork floor. Lift then move the furniture.  

This article may only be copied giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website at Copyright © 2012 Mary Findley   All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Sunday, July 08, 2012

How to Strip and Wax a Linoleum Floor

     If your linoleum or vinyl floor remains dirty even after a thorough scrub then it's time to strip and wax. Head to a local janitorial supply company for a bottle of eco-freindly floor stripper, a jug of non-yellowing wax and a nylon scrub brush.

     Open the windows and turn on the fan. Follow bottle direction to remove all the old wax, buildup and dirt in a 4 x 4 section. Then treat the next 4 x 4 section giving the first spot 10 to 15 minutes to dissolve the sealant. Scrub with a nylon brush then repeat covering the entire floor. Mop with a terry towel dipped in 1 cup distilled white vinegar per gallon of water. Using a fresh terry towel rinse again with plain water.

     Apply a thin coat of wax uing a third terry cloth towel.  Allow to dry thoroughly thenapply a second coat. Sometimes a third coat is necessary.

This article may only be copied giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website All rights reserved world wide. Copyright @2012

Cleaning Hard Floor Surfaces Part 1

Cleaning Hard Floor Surfaces

Part 1

     There are a few precautions on floor care. First, throw away self-wringing mops. You don’t wash your face with a dirty washcloth so don’t expect a floor to come clean with a dirty mop. Dirt left on self-wringing mops recycles itself on your floor causing a buildup that gradually dulls and destroys the finish. Avoid microfiber mops as microfiber is made with 80% polyester or plastic. Plastic scratches and will scratch the finish off your floors, furniture, cabinets, car and the paint off walls.  

     Use 100% cotton terry cloth towels. Old 100% cotton bathroom hand towels are perfect. Or cut bath towels in thirds and hem. I developed my mop from professionally cleaning homes for 12 years. It holds terry towels in place to mop floors, dust cobwebs, do windows or even dry off RVs. And it lasts for years to save you money while cutting cleaning time. Otherwise toss a terry towel over a sponge mop head.

      No more sore backs to clean your floor. Prevent injury to your back when you mop a floor by grabbing the mop from the top rather than underneath. Grabbing the top of the mop handle keeps your back straight. Since it’s hard to describe how to do this catch my video on my website. It also shows you a few other tricks to speed cleaning.  

 Linoleum and Vinyl Floors

      Use warm water only to avoid detergent buildup. Most detergents contain phosphorous which sticks to a floor worse than tree sap to bare feet. That residue builds up, destroys the sealant and you end up with the unpleasant task of stripping and waxing the floor.

      If your floor requires a cleanser, use a small amount of CleanEz  or other organic cleaner. Fill a spray bottle mostly full with water then add ½ capful of CleanEz. Spray the traffic areas before you mop. The loosened dirt mops right up as you clean. 

      It’s not so groovy.  Some linoleum floors contain deep grooves that even pre-spraying won’t loosen. Dip a nylon scrub bush – one that attaches to a handle - into a bucket of water and 2 to 3 ounces of CleanEz. Twice a year give the floor a good scrub. Rinse with 1/4 cup of distilled white vinegar mixed in one-half gallon water.

 Tricks of the trade: Remove black heel marks with a dab of rubbing alcohol or toothpaste. Gum comes off by freezing it with ice. Oil and grease dissolve with concentrated CleanEz. Dab on wait 7 to 8 minutes then wipe. Reapply if needed then rinse with vinegar and water. Any wax that has dripped on the floor can be melted off using a hair dryer. Wipe away with a white paper towel.  

 Marble, Tile, Slate and Composite Floors 

     Use hot water only on any stone or composit floor. Detergents and acids, like vinegar, pit and damage these floors. Marble must be immediately dried to prevent water spots. Mop in small sections and dry immediately. One a year a very small amount of CleanEz in a gallon of water can be used on tile floors for a more thorough cleaning. Do not use on marble or composite flooring.  

     Seal grout in stone floors to help prevent stain, which can be tricky to clean especially if the grout has color. My Stain Eraser forGrout  removes stains without taking the color out of colored grout.

 Side note: When you look for hard floor surfacing, lean towards linoleum and not vinyl. The off gassing from any kind of vinyl including flooring lingers for years contributing to cancer, asthma, lung and respiratory ailments. Also opt for real wood flooring rather than laminated due to the fumes emitted from the adhesive used in laminated floors. If adhesive is used during installation request a less toxic adhesive and leave the home for several days.

This article may only be reprinted giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website at Copyright @2012 all rights reserved world wide.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

How To Clean an Electric Razor

By Mary Findley

     Electric razors need cleaning too. All too often a small brush is quickly passed over the blades. If you have lost the brush that came with your razor, grab a 1/4 inch short bristled painters brush. Gently brush the blades then remove the head and very carefully brush the cutting mechanism. Once a month dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol and clean the blades. This extra chore keeps blades sharper far longer.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Quick Clean Tip for the Kitchen 

By Mary Findley

      Every evening after dinner clean a spot in the kitchen like a countertop, the stove, microwave or sink. By the end of the week most of the kitchen has been cleaned and it only takes a few extra minutes each evening. I keep a spray bottle of my diluted CleanEz under the sink along with one of my terry cloth towels making it quick to grab, clean and go.

Friday, April 06, 2012

How to Remove Hairspray

     One of my most frequent questions I receive is how to remove hair spray stuck to counters, floors and mirrors in the bathroom. Stop and think about this. You breathe the sticky mist which means it is stuck to your nasal passages, lungs and other internal organs, which is not healthy for you or other members of your family. Switch to an organic gel if you need to use anything.   
    Remove hair spray by boiling straight distilled white vinegar. Wipe on and let it set several minutes then repeat several times until the residue is removed. If that doesn’t work then try rubbing or denatured alcohol. Do not use vinegar on tile, marble, granite or corian type surfaces. It will dull the finish.

This article may only be copied giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website at Copyright worldwide @2012.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Green Up the Laundry
by Mary Findley

Here are three easy ways to green up laundry days.

1) Run only full loads with the shortest wash time. For clothes that need extra wash time let them soak in the washer for 15 minutes before starting the wash cycle.
2) Remove and hang your clothes while they are partially damp to save on electricty. I love this because after hanging barely damp clothes I brush them with my fingers to 'iron' out the wrinkles so ironing takes only minutes if needed at all.
3) Use eco friendly detergent. Bio Kleen is my favorite. Use even less than what is recommended then add 1/3 cup of distilled white vinegar. Vinegar boosts the cleaning ability of the detergent plus it is a fabric softener and eliminates static cling. No need to buy dryer sheets or expensive laundry softeners.

This article may only be reprinted giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Save Money and Our Earth   
By Mary Findley

     I literally see green, a good thing, whenever someone mistakenly says to me, “One person can’t make a difference.” A smile hits my face as I tell them so far the mops that I have manufactured and sold over the years have kept over 250,000 mops out of the landfills because they last 8 or 9 years with no mop head replacements. Then I start expounding on concentrated green cleaners and how they reduce oil and fuel needed to ship ready to use cleaners. One person can make a difference especially when you raise awareness in several million households. Each of us doing our part positively impacts our Earth. Let’s take a look at ways you can save money and reduce this thing called carbon footprints.

     1. Millions of boxes are shipped each day. Shippers regularly put the packing slip in a packet on the outside of the box, which serves no purpose. Request the shipper put the packing slip inside the box, which saves billions of them a year. This reduces energy and natural resources for manufacturing and fuel to ship them.  

     2. Purchase bulk groceries whenever possible and take your own re-useable bags. Every box and every piece of paper is another tree cut down and fuel needed for transporting the trees. Precious fuel and energy is used for manufacturing and shipping boxes. For instance, a jar of the herb basil may cost around $8 for an ounce. Wash the empty bottle then refill it with organic bulk basil for $1 an ounce. Buy bulk cereal, spices, rice, nuts, noodles etc to save upwards of $400 a year.   

     3. Use cloth napkins rather than paper napkins. Again think packaging, trees saved, the toxic chemicals used to treat the pulp and the reduction of fuel used in shipping. Did I mention the cost savings to you?

     4. Speaking of paper, switch from paper towels to the re-useable towels found in most grocery stores. These towels can be laundered 60 plus times. Each towel replaces an entire roll of paper towels and they are great for windows, and polishing.

     5.  Buy your meat from the butcher behind a meat counter and say no to prepackaged meats, which come on Styrofoam plates with absorbent padding.

     6. Yes Styrofoam paper plates and cups are  handy for parties and picnics only they are killing our Earth.  Instead, invest in washable plates to take on picnics or when you entertain at home. Carry extra water to rinse them and store them in your cooler. The parks departments will thank you for the reduced waste as well.

    8. Slow down when driving. Every 5 mph reduction in speed adds a mile per gallon to your fuel economy.   Are your car tires properly inflated?                

  10. Turn to organic, concentrated cleaners like Mary Moppins’ CleanEz – a concentrated all purpose cleaner and Benya, a streak free window cleaner, Wood Care and Leather/Vinyl Care. All are concentrated. Benya makes 10 quarts of window cleaner for a$60 savings. CleanEz makes 32 quarts for a $360 savings. Mary’s Mops last an average of 8 to 9 years for a savings of $400.   

This article may only be shared giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website Copyright worldwide @2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

Laundry Day Blues

     Did you know that most laundry detergents contain fillers like sawdust? No wonder your skin itches and your drains clog. Switch to organic laundry detergents. Bio Kleen is my favorite.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Twelve Most Essential Cleaning Tools 
by Mary Findley

     Folks often confess that their cleaning arsenol consists of supplies they bought, used once and stored in the attic for the next garage sale. They have separate cleaners for toilets, showers, baths, carpet stains, clothing stains, 5 window cleaners that all streak, every cleaning gadget ever advertised and none of this stuff works, Let's widdle this down to the necessities and take the confusion and expense out of cleaning. The following list has is geared to a typical home.

1) Start with a divided tote tray found at hardware stores. Do not use cleaning aprons unless you like trips to the doctor to straighten your neck due to the weight. Or worse email me asking what to do after bumping a sprayer and the cleaner ruined your antique coffee table.

2) A large plastic cup to hold a plastic scraper, stiff bristled toothbrush, non-scratch pad or other small cleaning tools.

3) A plastic container with holes in the lid filled with baking soda. You can also use a clean, plastic parmesan cheese shaker. Use baking soda to scrub sinks, tubs and shower floors and toilets.

4) A gallon of vinegar. Use to remove hard water stains in the sink and add a bit to your diluted concentrated cleaners. Vinegar boosts the cleaning ability of a cleaner. If your concentrated cleaner calls for one ounce per quart of water add ¼ cup of vinegar and use ¾ of an ounce of cleaner.

5) Toilet bowl brush – do not use the ones with the metal ring as the metal part scratches.

6) Sink brush

7) Two clean spray bottles for dilution – three if you use my Wood Care. It’s the only wood cleaner and conditioner on the market that can be diluted.

8) A concentrated eco-friendly all-purpose cleaner like my CleanEz. They clean most counter tops, appliances, toilets, showers, tubs, clothing and carpet stains. No you don’t need separate products to do these chores. Concentrated cleaners save you a bundle of money so look for concentrates.

9) A streak free, concentrated bottle of glass cleaner. I carry a good one called Benya. Make certain it does not contain acids or ammonia so it’s safe for Corian, granite and marble countertops.

10) Color coded towels. I use blue terry towels for the bathroom, white for the kitchen and a green one for the floor. Then baby diaper cloths for dusting and lint free towels for windows. Windows and glass are the only safe surface for microfiber. Buy the expensive microfiber cloths. The cheap ones leave lint and smear.

• Note: I use color coded towels because they are faster. You’ll dig for hours looking for the right towel to clean the bathrooms, or kitchen or dust. Don’t waste the time. Color code your towels for fast cleaning.

11) A good mop. Of course I’m a bit prejudice but I feel the one I manufacture is faster and outlasts anything on the market. Plus it does cobwebs, walls, windows and dries off cars, Rvs and boats. Again do not use microfiber mops unless you like replacing or refinishing flooring.

12) A good vacuum cleaner. Here is where we may part company. After using Kirbys, Hoovers, Eurkea’s and half a dozen others during my 12 years professionally cleaning, I’m hooked on the Meile canisters. This is a personal choice but I’ve been very pleased since switching to Meile. They are expensive and worth every penny.

Lastly always refill your bottles when you finish cleaning. That way they are ready to go for spills or quick clean up.

This article may only be copied giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website at Copyright © 2011 Mary Findley All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Sunday, February 05, 2012

     I attended a recent fire and safety seminar at a rally down in California. Mac McCoy "The Fire Guy" is a retired fireman and paramedic. Everything I thought I knew about putting out a fire and escaping a burning building went up in smoke - literally during Mac's demonstration.

     Outside Mac doused a large board with gasoline and lit it on fire. He attempted to put the fire out with the standard fire extinguishers found in hardware stores. They are filled with a powder he reignited. Further the powder is toxic and spreads everywhere. It was all over the fence, the pavement and you could see it drifting for some distance including onto his clothing. Inside a home it penetrates into places like electrical outlets and damages things like plastic found on kitchen appliances like microwaves. Due to its toxic nature, a hazmat team must be brought in to clean.

     Mac then demonstrated a fire extinguisher containing foam. After extinguishing a fire he relit the foam and it failed to reignite. Nor did the foam spread like the powder. It's so safe that he even sprayed it on himself and ate a small bit.

     He said most fires start in the kitchen and advised against using baking soda. Baking Soda must be poured directly over a flame putting clothing in direct contact with the flames. Instead, grab a large pan lid. Start at the chest and use the lid as a shield pushing it toward the flaming pan. This separates the flame allowing you to safely put the lid on the pan. If you bring the lid from the top of the pan, the flames separate and catch your clothing and nearby woodwork on fire.

     Next Mac recommended storing the extinguisher on top of the counter but away from the stove so it can be reached without the flames catching your clothing on fire. Always leave a pan lid on the counter when you cook. Set your timer for 45 seconds when you turn the stove on to preheat a pan as a reminder that the pad is preheating flammable oil.

     Mac instructed us to sleep with the bedroom door closed. It takes 10 to 15 minutes for fire to burn through a solid bedroom door. Touch the door knob and door to make sure it’s cool before opening it.

     Always crawl on the floor to move around the home. Smoke inhalation, which settles in about waist high, kills more people than the fire itself. Mac emphasized the importance of planning an escape route and where to meet once you are outside the home then practice to make certain your plan works. If you have small children or disabled family members decide who will help whom out of the home and how. Then practice so everyone knows their job.

     Read more articles on Mac's website You can order foam extinguishers from him as well. Call him for guidance on what extinguishers are best for you. You'll need one for each bedroom, the kitchen and I also bought one for my truck. I would have burned to death 10 years ago had my truck caught on fire after I was hit head intentionally. It rides in one of my cup holders where it's easy to reach.

     Don't forget to put a sparkle on your windows with Benya, our February special. Usually $19.95 it's now $14.95.

This article may only be copied giving credit to Mary Findley and her website All rights reserved worldwide.