Sunday, December 30, 2012

How to Clean the Living Room, Dining Room and Bedroom
     The past four or five monthly blogs cover cleaning the kitchen, bathroom, floors and general cleaning.  The final segment of this tour de home centers around the living room or den, dining room and bedroom. When I offer a suggestion to clean a certain way, adapt my method to suit your style of cleaning. Don’t forget to view my video to learn about 2 handed cleaning. Click on ‘Watch Mary’s How to video’ from the right side column of my website Here are the basics to clean any living area.

     First things first. Grab one of Mary’s 100% cotton Baby Diaper Cloths baby diaper cloth in each hand and spritz it with diluted WoodCare. Use Wood Care full strength if this is the first time applying it. Wood must be deep conditioned to prevent drying and cracking. Then use Wood Care full strength once a year but inbetween times, dilute it five parts water to  one part Wood Care for weekly cleanings.

     If you have glass coffee tables, stereo fronts or other glass surfaces, spritz a second Baby diaper cloth with Mary’s Benya a streak free concentrated window cleaner. This one 32 ounce bottle makes 40 quarts or 10 gallons of the best window cleaner. It's great for black faced appliances and knocks out film on inside car windows.  

     Just as you do for every room, start dusting from the left of the room working your way clockwise around the room ending with any furniture in the middle. Dust wall hangings first then furniture or other items below the hangings. Use both hands to dust as I teach in my video on cleaning kitchens.

     As you dust, pull furniture two feet away from the wall. Next grab a lightly dampened terry towel and place over Mary’s Mop Head to dust the baseboards. You may need to clothespin the towel so it won’t pull off when rubbing against the carpet. This is not necessary on hard floor surfaces but carpet can pull the towel off the mop head. Run it along the baseboards catching any cobwebs hanging to the back of furniture or walls.

   Vacuum behind the furniture replacing it as you work your way clockwise around the room.
Work your way out the door to prevent dirt from being redistributed on the carpet by your shoes or an overflowing vacuum cleaner bag.  

     If your home has wooden, nylon or metal blinds dust one to two rooms of those each month so they are dusted four times per year. Turn the slats downward and wipe over them with Mary’s lightly dampened baby diaper cloth. Reverse the slats, pull the blind out and walk behind the blind and repeat the cleaning.
This article may only be reprinted giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website All rights reserved worldwide.

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