Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Cut Heating Bills
     The cold weather found me picking up the phone to get an idea of prices for the newer energy saving windows. The furnace was running continuously even set at 67. The temperature dropped to 9 degrees and I was shivering against the cold draft coming through the windows. The cost of new windows is just not affordable right now and besides they can't be installed in the Artic climate that hit our area.  
     Super insulator: Knowing cardboard is a a super insulator and having an abundance of it in my attic for shipping purpose, it took about 30 mintues at no cost to cover the windows. The temperature in the rooms immediately rose 5 degrees ane the funace quieted it's motor for the first time in a month.  
     It looks like I'm living in an igloo in the far northern stretches of Alaska and the cardboard is not my favorite cjhoice for window covering, but it's working. I'm warmer, my wallet will thank me and Mother Earth is smiling with the additional energy savings. If you live in a cold area and need some extra winter warmth, head out to find large sheets of the heavier weight cardboard and tuck those behind your blinds in the windows. Large shipping boxes from stores like U-Haul are ideal. They are heavier and one box, cut in half length-wise covers most of a window or sliding glass door. 
     Do the kids need something to keep their fingers busy since they house bound from this recent snow storm? Grab the crayons and let them have a ball coloring or making up their own board games on the large sheets of cardboard. 
This article may only be copied giving full credit to Mary Findley and her website Mary Moppins at Copyright @2009

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